WarpHeretic Debug version ========================= Hi! Some people had crashes with the 1.3 executable. There are some possible reasons: 1. I used a "be careful when you use it" Beta-Version of StormC (and i was NOT careful... the Debugversion is now compiled with the normal Version of StormC 4 Beta... not the "be careful" version :) 2. On some machines 60 ns setting did cause problems, especially if you have RAM-Chips of different manufacturers. If you experienced crashes with other programs also you might want to try 70 ns Settings. I had this problem once, but after i exchanged my Non-EDO for EDO RAM the problem disappeared. 3. One of the ASM-Optimizations might be buggy. But after i recompiled i did not get any more crashes, so i let it in... :) How to use the debug-version: 1. Start the tool segtracker first thing in your startup-sequence 2. When you get a WarpUP Crashrequester indicating for example the address 0x08c9999b as the crash address, type: memowner 0x08c9999b This should output hunk and offset number. Then you should tell me these numbers (if it does not output hunk/offset you do not have segtracker installed in your startup). Using this data i can calculate the source-code line which caused the crash. But i think with this version no crashes (unless your system has 70 ns problems...) should happen anymore anyways... Mail me at MagicSN@Birdland.es.bawue.de Note: As this is a debug-version, the fps-rate goes down a bit. When we are sure there are no bugs left i will go back to the non-debug version... Steffen Haeuser